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·         2010. 09 - 2014. 08 丹麦奥胡斯大学 (2022上海交大世界大学排名全球第93) 分子生物与遗传系博士 (国家留学基金委公派留学项目)

·         2007. 09 - 2010. 07 中国农业大学生物学院微生物与免疫系硕士。

·         2003. 09 - 2007. 07 山西农业大学农学院生物技术专业理学学士。


·         2023. 01 - 至今 星空官网·中国区集团/注册/登陆✦,林学院森林学科,副教授,硕士生导师。

·         2020. 10 - 2022. 12  星空官网·中国区集团/注册/登陆✦,林学院森林学科,讲师,硕士生导师。

·         2019. 07 - 2020. 10 瑞典乌普萨拉大学 (2022上海交大世界大学排名全球第71) 生物化工系Peter Lindblad教授实验室,博士后。

·         2014. 07 - 2019. 02 斯坦福大学 (2022上海交大世界大学排名全球第2) 卡耐基研究所植物系Devaki Bhaya教授实验室,博士后。


·         山西农业大学2005-2006学年优秀学生。

·         中国农业大学2008-2009学年科研成就奖。

·         中国农业大学2010年优秀硕士毕业论文及校优秀毕业生。

·         新加坡国立大学研究助理博士奖学金(2010)

·         国家留学基金委赴丹麦奥胡斯大学攻读博士学位奖学金(2010-2013)

·         丹麦大龙奖学金(2012-2013)

·         星空官网·中国区集团/注册/登陆✦,2021-2022学年校级优秀班主任。

·         星空官网·中国区集团/注册/登陆✦,2022年师风师德优秀奖。


·         中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目#2021ZY0612万元 (2021.06-2022.12)主持

·         东北林业大学森林植物生态学教育部重点实验室开放基金A#K2020A018万元 (2021.01-2022.12)主持

·         瑞典Stiftelsen Olle Engkvist Byggmastare研究委员会基金103万瑞典克朗 (2019.07-2020.12)主持

·         国家重点研发计划重点专项,林源天然产物代谢调控与高效转化基础#2022YFD22006002000万元 (2022,11-2026,10),参与。

·         国家自然科学基金重点项目,黄栌枯萎病抗性的遗传与内生微生物群落协同调控机制研究#32130071275万元 (2022, 01-2026, 12),参与。

·         美国NSF资助项目Collaborative research: Nitroplast, a light-driven, synthetic nitrogen-fixing organelle (2013.09-2019. 06). 766,816美金,项目编号: 1331151主研



·         第十届欧洲固氮会,201292号至5号。德国慕尼黑,海报展览。

·         美国NSF和英国BBSRC生物固氮合作项目启动会,201422731。美国旧金山,参会。

·         第十九届国际固氮大会,2015104号至9。美国加州,被邀请做口头报告

·         第十二届蓝细菌研讨会,2016519号至22。亚利桑那州立大学,海报展览。

·         首届中国一碳生物技术和低碳产业发展大会,202347号至9号。北京化工大学,参会。


Plants-Basel; Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology; Frontiers in Plant Science.


Microbial Ecology; Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry; Free Radical Biology and Medicine; Frontiers in Microbiology.


·         生物工程学会会员。

·         教育部第三期高校青年教师国情教育研修班(复旦大学)学习。


·         尝试利用光合固碳蓝藻底盘作为生物反应器进行高附加值黄酮类生物活性物质的合成及优化。

·         微藻合成生物学分子工具及元件开发。

·         研究光合蓝藻中ATP依赖蛋白酶介导的蛋白降解及稳态平衡为提高光合细胞工厂抗逆性提供理论基础。


·         靳豪杰,付玉杰,孟冬,杨清,王立涛,张谡,牛丽丽一种对外界环境中可利用磷酸盐浓度变化发生感应的分子元件及其突变分子元件和应用。授权公告日2021824日,专利号:ZL 2020 1 1457226.6

·         靳豪杰,张佳琪,付玉杰,葛婉昭,荆一珂,张谡,文秋宇。一种利用密码子简并性实时检测蓝藻细胞内苯丙氨酸相对含量的方法。受理号202310547698.8,实审中。



·     Jin, H.#, Ge, WZ.#, Li, MZ.#, Wang, Y., Jiang, YJ., Zhang, JQ., Jing, YK., Tong, YG.*, Fu, YJ.* (2023) Advances in the development of phage-mediated cyanobacterial cell lysis. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology. 已接收 (中科院1Top; 2023IF=9)

·     Jin, H.*, Wang, Y., Zhao, PQ., Wang, LT., Zhang, S., Meng, D., Yang, Q., Cheong, LZ., Bi, YH., Fu, YJ.* (2021) Potential of producing flavonoids using cyanobacteria as a sustainable chassis. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 69, 42, 12385-12401. (中科院1Top; 2023IF=6.1)

·     Jin, H.*, Wang, Y., Fu, YJ., and Bhaya, D.* (2021) The role of three-tandem Pho Boxes in the control of the C-P lyase operon in a thermophilic cyanobacterium. Environmental Microbiology. 23(11), 6433-6449. (中科院2; 2023IF=5.1)

·     Jin, H.*, Kim, R., and Bhaya, D.* (2021) Deciphering proteolysis pathways for the error-prone DNA polymerase in cyanobacteria. Environmental Microbiology. 23(2), 559-571. (中科院2; 2023IF=5.1)

·     Jin, H.*, Lindblad, P., and Bhaya, D.*. (2019) Building inducible T7 RNA polymerase/T7 promoter circui­­ts in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. ACS Synthetic Biology. 8, 655-660. (中科院2Top; 2023IF=4.7)

·     Jin, H.*, Wang, Y., Idoine, A., and Bhaya, D*. (2018) Construction of a shuttle vector using an endogenous plasmid from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. Frontiers in Microbiology 9. 1662. (中科院2Top; 2023IF=5.2)

·     Song, Z, Yang, Q., Dong, B., Li, N., Wang, M., Du, T., Liu, N., Niu, L., Jin, H., Meng, D., Fu, Y. (2022) Melatonin enhances stress tolerance in pigeon pea by promoting flavonoid enrichment, particularly luteolin in response to salt stress. Journal of Experimental Botany. Erac276, https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erac276. (中科院2Top; 2023IF=6.9)

·     Zarrabian, M., Montiel, J., Sandal, N., Ferguson, S., Jin, H., Lin, Y., Klingl, V., Marin, M., James, E.K., Parniske, M., Stougaard, J., Andersen, S.U. (2022) A promiscuity locus confers Lotus burttii nodulation with rhizobia from five different genera. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. https://doi.org/10.1094/MPMI-06-22-0124-R. (中科院2; 2023IF=3.5)

·     Kawaharada, Y., Sandal, N., Gupta, V., Jin, H., Kawaharada, M., Taniuchi, M., Ruman, H., Nadzieja, M., Andersen, R. K., Schneeberger, K., Stougaard, J., and Andersen, S.U. (2021) Natural variation identifies a Pxy gene controlling vascular organization and formation of nodules and lateral roots in Lotus japonicus. New Phytologist. 230, 2459–2473. (中科院1Top; 2023IF=9.4)

·     Wang, Y., Jin, H., Wang, Y., Yao, Y., Yang, C., Meng, J., Tan, X., Nie, Y., Xue, L., Xu, B., Zhao, H., Wang, F. (2021) Sult2b1 deficiency exacerbates ischemic stroke by promoting pro-inflammatory macrophage polarization in mice. Theranostics 11(20), 10074-10090. (中科院1Top; 2023IF=12.4)

·     Dong, B., Yang, Q., Song, Z., Niu, L., Cao, H., Liu, T., Du, T., Yang, W., Qi, M., Chen, T., Wang, M., Jin, H., Meng, D., Fu, Y. (2021). Hyperoside promotes pollen tube growth by regulating the depolymerization effect of actin-depolymerizing factor 1 on microfilaments in okra. Horticulture Research. 8(1), 1–14. (中科院1Top; 2023IF=8.7)

·     Ji L., Li, S., Chen, C., Jin, H., Wu, H., Fan, J. (2021) Physiological and transcriptome analysis elucidates the metabolic mechanism of versatile Porphyridium purpureum under nitrogen deprivation for exopolysaccharides accumulation. Bioresources and Bioprocessing. 8: 73. (2023IF=4.6)

·     Shah, N., Wakabayashi, T., Kawamura, Y., Skovbjerg, C., Wang M., Mustamin, Y., Isomura, Y., Gupta, V., Jin, H., Mun, T., Sandal, N., Azuma, F., Fukai, E., Seren, Ü., Kusakabe, S., Kikuchi, Y., Nitanda, S., Kumaki, T., Sønderkær, M., Nielsen, K., Schneeberger, K., Stougaard, J., Sato, S., Schierup, M., and Andersen. S.U. (2020) Extreme genetic signatures of local adaptation during Lotus japonicus colonization of Japan. Nature communication. 11: 253. (中科院1Top; 2023IF=16.6)

·     Li, X., Zheng, Z., Kong, X., Xu, J., Qiu, L., Sun, J., Reid, D., Jin, H., Andersen, S.U., Oldroyd, G.E.D., Stougaard, J., Downie, J.A., Xie, F. (2019) Atypical receptor kinase RINRK1 required for rhizobial infection but not nodule development in Lotus japonicus. Plant Physiology. 181, 804-816. (中科院2Top; 2023IF=7.4)

·     Wang, Y., Jin, H., Wang, W, Wang, F., Zhao, H. (2019) Myosin1f mediated neutrophil migration contributes to acute neuroinflammation and brain injury after stroke in mice. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 16: 77. (中科院2; 2023IF=9.3)


·     Jin, H., Zhou, Y.-G., Liu, H.-C. & Chen, S.-F. (2011) Paenibacillus jilunlii sp. nov., a nitrogen-fixing species isolated from the rhizosphere of Begonia semperflorens. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 61, 1350-1355. (中科院3; 2023IF=2.8)

·     Jin, H., Tu, R., Xu, F. & Chen, S. (2011) Identification of nitrogen-fixing Paenibacillus from different plant rhizospheres and a novel gene detected in the P. stellifer. Microbiology. 80, 117-124. (中科院4; 2023IF=1.5)

·     Jin, H., Lv, J. & Chen, S.-F. (2011) Paenibacillus sophorae sp. nov., a nitrogen-fixing species isolated from the rhizosphere of Sophora japonica. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 61, 767-771. (中科院3; 2023IF=2.8)

·     Acosta-Jurado, S., Rodríguez-Navarro, D.-N., Kawaharada, Y., Perea, J.F., Gil-Serrano, A., Jin, H., An, Q., Rodríguez-Carvajal, M.A., Andersen, S.U., Sandal, N., Stougaard, J., Vinardell, J.M., Ruiz-Sainz, J. (2016). Sinorhizobium fredii HH103 invades Lotus burttii by crack entry in a Nod factor- and surface polysaccharide-dependent manner. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction. 29, 925–937. (中科院2; 2023IF=3.5)

·     Sandal, N., Jin, H., Rodríguez-Navarro D. N., Temprano, F., Cvitanich, C., Brachmann, A., Sato, S., Kawaguchi, M., Tabata, S., Parniske, M., Ruiz-Sainz, J. E., Andersen, U. S., Stougaard, J. (2012) A set of Lotus japonicus Gifu x Lotus burttii recombinant inbred lines facilitates map-based cloning and QTL mapping. DNA Research. 19(4), 317-323. (中科院2; 2023IF=4.1)

·     Yin Y, Liu Y, Jin H., Wang S, Zhao S, Geng X, Li M, Xu F. (2012) Polyethylene glycol-mediated transformation of fused egfp-hph gene under the control of gpd promoter in Pleurotus eryngii. Biotechnology Letters 34(10):1895-900. (中科院3; 2023IF=2.7)

·     Xu, F, Jin, H., Li, H.-M., Tao, L., Wang, J.-P., Lv, J. & Chen, S.-F. (2012) Genome shuffling of Trichoderma viride for enhanced cellulase production. Annals of Microbiology. 62(2), 509-515. (中科院4; 2023IF=3)

·     Liu, Y., Wang, S.-X., Yin, Y.-G., Jin H., Zhao, S., Li, M., Wang, P., Geng, X.-L., Xu, F. (2012) Use of a culture independent method to analyze the diversity of soil fungi surrounding Chroogomphus rutilus in the Beijing region of China. Annals of Microbiology. 62(4), 1743-1749. (中科院4; 2023IF=3)

·     Wang P., Liu Y., Yin Y., Jin H., Wang S., Xu F., Zhao S., Geng X. (2011) Diversity of microorganisms isolated from the soil sample surround Chroogomphus rutilus in the Beijing region. International Journal of Biological Science. 7(2), 209-220. (中科院2; 2023IF=9.2)

·     Wang, J.-P., Wu, L.-X., Xu, F., Lv, J., Jin, H. & Chen, S.-F. (2010) Metabolic engineering for ethylene production by inserting the ethylene-forming enzyme gene (efe) at the 16S rDNA sites of Pseudomonas putida KT2440. Bioresource Technology 101(16), 6404-6409. (中科院1TOP; 2023IF=11.4)

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