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2009.092014.07     北京大学   城市与环境学院   生态学博士    

2005.092009.07     中山大学   生命科学学院     生态学学士  


2020.09—至今          星空官网·中国区集团/注册/登陆✦,林学院,青年研究员,副教授

2014.072020.08     中国科学院生态环境研究中心,助理研究员

20152015               地中海环境研究中心,访问学者






1.  城市森林地上-地下互作对环境变化的响应和适应机制;

2.  缓解城市环境胁迫的植被结构和功能研究;

3.  气候变化和环境污染下森林生态系统增汇技术研究


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,322716732023-2026、主持

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,318704582019-2022、主持

3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,315003962016-2018、主持

4. 国家重点研发计划,2017YFE0127700、课题二负责人、2019-2022、主持

5. 中央高校科技创新自由探索专项资金项目,2021ZY072021-2022,主持

6. 中国科学院A类先导草牧业专项颠覆性-前沿技术探索课题,XDA260504012021-2025,参与

7. 北京市自然科学基金面上项目,52220182021-2024,参与

8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,417710342018-2021,参与

9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,415714822016-2019,参与

10. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,417051302018-2020,参与

11. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,316004182017-2019,参与

12. 科技部重点研究计划项目,SQ2016YFSF0300622016-2020,参与

13. 北京市自然科学基金面上项目,61620212016-2018,参与

14. 国家重大科学研究计划项目,中国陆地生态系统碳源汇特征及其全球意义(2010CB950602),2013-2014,参与


1. Li Pin*, Xianjie Wu, Gao Feng (2023) Ozone pollution, water deficit stress and time drive poplar phyllospheric bacterial community structure. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 262, 115148.

2. Li Pin*, Ran Kun, Gao Feng (2023) The interactive effects of nitrogen addition and ozone pollution on Cathay poplar-associated phyllosphere bacterial communities. Forests, 14(3), 452. https://doi.org/10.3390/f14030452.

3. Hou Xiaofan, Wu Xianjie, Ma Chenhan, Tian Di, Yan Zhengbing, Li Pin* (2022) Effect of the elevated ozone on greening tree species of urban: Alterations in C-N-P stoichiometry and nutrient stock allocation to leaves and fine roots. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 76, 127735.

4. Li Pin*, Yin Rongbin, Zhou Huimin, Xu Sheng, Feng Zhaozhong (2022) Functional traits of poplar leaves and fine roots responses to ozone pollution under soil nitrogen addition. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 113, 118-131.

5. Li Pin*, Yin Rongbin, Zhou Huimin, Yuan Xiangyang, Feng Zhaozhong (2022) Soil pH drives poplar rhizosphere soil microbial community responses to ozone pollution and nitrogen addition. European Journal of Soil Science, 73: e13186. doi: 10.1111/ejss.13186.

6. Li Pin, Feng Zhaozhong, Shang Bo, Uddling Johan (2021) Combining carbon and oxygen isotopic signatures to identify ozone-induced declines in tree water use efficiency. Tree Physiology, 41, 2234-2244.

7. Li Pin, Yin Rongbin, Shang Bo, Agathokleous Evgenios, Zhou Huimin, Feng Zhaozhong (2020) Interactive effects of ozone exposure and nitrogen addition on tree root traits and biomass allocation pattern: An experimental case study and a literature meta-analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 710, 136379.

8. Li Pin*, Shen Congcong, Jiang Lai, Feng Zhaozhong, Fang Jingyun (2019) Difference in soil bacterial community composition depends on forest type rather than nitrogen and phosphorus additions in tropical montane rainforests. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 55, 313-323.

9. Li Pin, Zhou Huimin, Xu Yansen, Shang Bo, Feng Zhaozhong (2019) The effects of elevated ozone on the accumulation and allocation of poplar biomass depend strongly on water and nitrogen availability. Science of the Total Environment, 665, 929-936.

10. Li Pin, De Marco Alessandra, Feng Zhaozhong, Anav Alessandro; Zhou Daojing, Paoletti Elena (2018) Nationwide ground-level ozone measurements in China suggest serious risks to forests. Environmental Pollution, 237, 803-813.

11. Li Pin, Feng Zhaozhong, Calatayud Vicent, Yuan Xiangyang, Xu Yansen, Paoletti Elena (2017) A meta-analysis on growth, physiological, and biochemical responses of woody species to ground-level ozone highlights the role of plant functional types. Plant Cell and Environment, 40, 2369-2380.

12. Li Pin, Calatayud Vicent, Gao Feng, Uddling Johan, Feng Zhaozhong (2016) Differences in ozone sensitivity among woody species are related to leaf morphology and antioxidant levels. Tree Physiology, 36, 1105-1116.

13. Li Pin, Yang Yuanhe, Han, Wenxuan, Fang Jingyun (2014) Global patterns of soil microbial nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry in forest ecosystems. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23, 979-987.

14. Li Pin; Yang Yuanhe; Fang Jingyun (2013) Variations of root and heterotrophic respiration along environmental gradients in China’s forests. Journal of Plant Ecology, 6, 358-367.

15. Chen Leiyi#, Li Pin#, Yang Yuanhe (2016) Dynamic patterns of nitrogen: phosphorus ratios in forest soils of China under changing environment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 121, 2410-2421. (#共同一作)

16. 薛文凯, 黄诗雨, 李品* (2023) 净化臭氧和颗粒物复合大气污染的城市绿化树种筛选. 中国城市林业,已录用

17. 薛文凯, 闫香如, 李品* (2023) 5个臭氧胁迫水平下4种绿化树种基于叶面尺度的光合荧光特性. 生态学杂志, 网络首发

18. 李品*, 王泽锦, 冉堃 (2023) 城市绿化树幼苗对臭氧升高抗性响应的生理特征差异. 森林与环境学报, 43(3): 272-279.

19. 李品*, 侯霄帆, 殷荣宾 (2023) 欧美杨107幼树叶片和细根的功能性状对臭氧剂量的响应. 星空官网·中国区集团/注册/登陆✦,学报, 45(2), 49-57.

20. 李品, 张新娜, 孙妍, 冯飞, 樊大勇, 徐程扬 (2022) “城市林业基础课程思政的教学探索. 星空官网·中国区集团/注册/登陆✦,林学院教育教学研究论文集, p144-151.

21. 李品, 徐程扬* (2022) 双碳人才培养目标下“城市林业”教学体系建设探索. 星空官网·中国区集团/注册/登陆✦,2022年教育教学改革与研究优秀论文选编.

22. 李品*, 周慧敏, 冯兆忠 (2021) 臭氧污染、氮沉降和干旱胁迫交互作用对杨树叶和细根非结构性碳水化合物的影响. 环境科学, 42(2), 1004-1012.

23. 李品*, 卫妍妍, 冯兆忠 (2020) 抗大气复合污染的城市森林植物初步筛选. 环境科学, 41(10), 4495-4503.

24. 李品*, 木勒德尔吐尔汗拜, 田地, 冯兆忠 (2019) 全球森林土壤微生物生物量碳氮磷化学计量的季节动态. 植物生态学报, 43(6), 532-542.

25. 李品, 冯兆忠, 尚博, 袁相洋, 代碌碌, 徐彦森 (2018) 6种绿化树种的气孔特性与臭氧剂量的响应关系. 生态学报, 38(8), 2710-2721.

26. 周慧敏, 李品*, 高峰, 冯兆忠, 张殷波 (2018) 臭氧和干旱交互作用对杨树叶片抗氧化酶活性的影响. 环境科学, 39(9), 4359-4365.

27. Feng Zhaozhong, Agathokleous Evgenios, Yue Xu, Oksanen Elina, Paoletti Elena, Sase Hiroyuki, Gandin Anthony, Koike Takayoshi, Calatayud Vicent, Yuan Xiangyang, Liu Xuejun, De Marco Alessandra, Jolivet Yves, Kontunen-Soppela Sari, Hoshika Yasutomo, Saji Hikaru, Li Pin, Li Zhengzhen, Watanabe Makoto, Kobayashi Kazuhiko (2021) Emerging challenges of ozone impacts on Asian plants: Actions are needed to protect ecosystem health. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 7(1): 1911602.

28. Feng Zhaozhong, Kobayashi Kazuhiko, Li Pin, Xu Yansen, Tang Haoye, Guo Anhong, Paoletti Elena, Calatayud Vicent (2019) Impacts of current ozone pollution on wheat yield in China as estimated with observed ozone, meteorology and day of flowering. Atmospheric Environment, 217, 116945.

29. Xu Sheng, Li Bo, Li Pin, He Xingyuan, Chen Wei, Yan Kun, Li Yan, Wang Yijing (2019) Soil high Cd exacerbates the adverse impact of elevated O3 on Populus alba 'Berolinensis' L. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 174, 35-42.

30. Shang Bo, Yuan Xiangyang, Li Pin, Xu Yansen, Feng Zhaozhong (2019) Effects of elevated ozone and water deficit on poplar saplings: Changes in carbon and nitrogen stocks and their allocation to different organs. Forest Ecology and Management, 441, 89-98.

31. Xu Sheng, He Xingyuan, Burkey Kent, Chen Wei, Li Pin, Li Yan, Li Bo, Wang Yijing (2019) Ethylenediurea (EDU) pretreatment alleviated the adverse effects of elevated O3 on Populus alba “Berolinensis” in an urban area. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 42-50.

32. Dai Lulu, Feng Zhaozhong, Pan Xiaodong, Xu Yansen, Li Pin, Lefohn Allen S, Harmens Harry, Kobayashi Kazuhiko (2019) Increase of apoplastic ascorbate induced by ozone is insufficient to remove the negative effect in tobacco, soybean and poplar. Environmental Pollution, 245, 380-388.

33. Feng Zhaozhong, Yuan Xiangyang, Fares Silvano, Loreto Francesco, Li Pin, Hoshika Yasutomo, Paoletti Elena (2019) Isoprene is more affected by climate drivers than monoterpenes: A meta-analytic review on plant isoprenoid emissions. Plant Cell and Environment, 42, 1939-1949.

34. Shang Bo, Feng Zhaozhong, Li Pin, Calatayud Vicent (2018) Elevated ozone affects C, N and P ecological stoichiometry and nutrient resorption of two poplar clones. Environmental Pollution, 234, 136-144.

35. Dai LuLu, Li Pin, Shang Bo, Liu Shuo, Yang Aizhen, Wang Younian, Feng Zhaozhong (2017) Differential responses of peach (Prunus persica) seedlings to elevated ozone are related with leaf mass per area, antioxidant enzymes activity rather than stomatal conductance. Environmental Pollution, 227, 380-388.

36. Shang Bo, Feng Zhaozhong, Li Pin, Yuan Xiangyang, Xu Yansen, Calatayud Vicent (2017) Ozone exposure and flux-based response relationships with photosynthesis, leaf morphology and biomass in two poplar clones. Science of the Total Environment, 603-604:185-195.

37. Yuan Xiangyang, Feng Zhaozhong, Liu Shuo, Shang Bo, Li Pin, Xu Yansen, Paoletti Elena (2017) Concentration- and flux-based dose-responses of isoprene emission from poplar leaves and plants exposed to an ozone concentration gradient. Plant Cell and Environment, 40: 1960-1971.

38. Yang Yuanhe, Li Pin, He Honglin, Zhao Xia, Datta Arindam, Ma Wenhong, Zhang Ying, Liu Xuejun, Han Wenxuan, Wilson Maxwell C, Fang Jingyun (2015) Long-term changes in soil pH across major forest ecosystems in China. Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 933-940.

39. Yang Yuanhe, Li Pin, Ding Jinzhi, Zhao Xia, Ma Wenghong, Ji Chengjun, Fang Jingyun (2014) Increased topsoil carbon stock across China's forests. Global Change Biology, 20, 2687-2696.

40. Xu Bing, Yang Yuanhe, Li Pin, Shen Haihua, Fang Jingyun (2014) Global patterns of ecosystem carbon flux in forests: A biometric data-based synthesis. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 28, 962-973.

41. Yang Yuanhe, Fang Jingyun, Ji Chengjun, Datta Arindam, Li Pin, MaWenhong, Mohammat Anwar, Shen Haihua, Hu Huifeng (2014) Stoichiometric flexibility in topsoil C:N:P ratios across China's grasslands under elevated atmospheric CO2 and N deposition. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23, 947-955.

42. Guo Zhaodi, Hu Huifeng, Li Pin, Li Nuyun, Fang Jingyun (2013) Spatio-temporal changes in biomass carbon sinks in China's forests from 1977 to 2008. Sci China Life Sci, 56(7), 661-671.

43. 刘硕,李品,尚博,胡廷剑,殷荣宾,冯兆忠 (2021) 永定河流域典型沙区生态状况及修复建议. 环境生态学, 3(8), 51-58.

44. 冯兆忠, 李品, 张国友, 李征珍, 平琴, 彭金龙, 刘硕 (2020) 二氧化碳浓度升高对陆地生态系统的影响:问题与展望. 植物生态学报, 44(5), 461-474.

45. 冯兆忠, 袁相洋, 李品, 尚博, 平琴, 胡廷剑, 刘硕 (2020) 地表臭氧浓度升高对陆地生态系统影响的研究进展. 植物生态学报, 44(5), 526-542.

46. 冯兆忠, 刘硕, 李品 (2019) 永定河流域生态环境研究进展及修复对策. 中国科学院大学学报, 36(4): 107-117.

47. 周慧敏, 李品, 冯兆忠, 张殷波 (2019) 地表臭氧浓度升高与干旱交互作用对杨树非结构性碳水化合物积累和叶根分配的短期影响. 植物生态学报, 43(4), 296–304.

48. 刘硕,李品,冯兆忠 (2019) 京津冀防风固沙植被生态修复研究进展与对策. 生态学杂志, 38(1), 267-274.

49. 潘晓东, 李品,冯兆忠 (2019) 2000-2015年中国地级市化肥使用量的时空变化特征. 环境科学, 40(10), 4733-4742.

50. 冯兆忠, 李品, 袁相洋, 高峰, 姜立军, 代碌碌 (2018) 我国地表臭氧生态环境效应研究进展. 生态学报, 38(8), 1530-1541.

51. 高峰, 李品, 冯兆忠 (2017) 臭氧与干旱对植物复合影响的研究进展. 植物生态学报, 41(2), 252-268.

52. 郭兆迪, 胡会峰, 李品, 李怒云, 方精云 (2013) 1977-2008年中国森林生物量碳汇的时空变化. 中国科学:生命科学, 43(5), 421-431.


1. 李品 等著. 城市森林与人类福祉. 中国林业出版社. 国家林业和草原局普通高等教育“十四五”规划教材立项.

2. Feng Zhaozhong & Li Pin. 2017. Effects of gaseous air pollutants on plants in China. In Air pollution impacts on plants in east Asia (ed T. Ikuta), Springer. (pp. 175-219).

3. 冯兆忠, 李品,袁相洋 . 2021. 中国地表臭氧污染及其生态环境效应. 高等教育出版社.



1. 薛文凯,2019级本科生,获北京市级大学生创新创业训练项目“北京市抗大气复合污染的城市树种筛选”,结题优秀。获优秀毕业论文。

2. 冀莉,2019级本科生,获北京市级大学生创新创业训练项目“基于城乡梯度研究森林相同树种养分重吸收的差异”,结题良好。

3. 马辰涵,2019级本科生,获校级大学生创新创业训练项目“杨树凋落叶和根的分解速率在臭氧污染下的差异比较”,结题良好。

4. 王佳慧,2020级本科生,获北京市级大学生创新创业训练项目“基于城乡梯度研究城市森林相同树种叶片气孔特征和超微结构的差异”,在研。

5. 侯霄帆,2020级专业硕士研究生,获2022年“中国林学会森林培育分会林学前沿大讲堂”优秀论文一等奖、2022年“学术创新奖”、2022年鼎泰林业优秀研究生奖学金、星空官网·中国区集团/注册/登陆✦,“优秀毕业生”称号。

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