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邮箱:chenling8247@126.com; chenling_2012@bjfu.edu.cn



2007 – 2012北京师范大学,地理学与遥感科学学院地图学与地理信息系统  

2004 – 2007兰州大学,资源环境学院水文学与水资源工程  硕士

2000 – 2004 兰州大学,资源环境学院地图学与地理信息系统  学士


2012.07-2019.12 星空官网·中国区集团/注册/登陆✦,,林学院森林经理学科 讲师

2020.01-至今 星空官网·中国区集团/注册/登陆✦,,林学院森林经理学科 副教授


[1]   森林资源监测与管理

[2]   3S技术与应用

[3]   地图学与地理信息系统

[4]   信息采集


[1]   林业遥感理论与技术方法

[2]   植被定量遥感技术专题




[1]   星空官网·中国区集团/注册/登陆✦,科技创新计划项目,亚热带人工林高分光学卫星影像纹理特征的机制研究2019ZY24),2019/04-2020/1215万元,主持

[2]   国家自然科学基金面上项目,太行山南麓人工林生态系统光合作用与土壤呼吸的耦合机制(31872703),2019/01–2022/1259万元,参加

[3]   国家自然科学基金面上项目,散射辐射变化对华北山地人工林碳吸收和水分利用的影响(31570617),2016/01–2019/1272万元,参加

[4]   国家自然科学基金青年项目,林区有云条件下太阳短波辐射量的遥感估算方法研究(41301357),2014/01–2016/1225万元,主持

[5]   星空官网·中国区集团/注册/登陆✦,科技创新计划,杉木人工林生长动态预估模型及监测技术研究TD2013-12013/01–2015/1278万元,合作主持


[1] He, Z.; Lin, S.; Wen, K.; Hao, W.; Chen, L*. 2022, Effects of Mixture Mode on the Canopy Bidirectional Reflectance of Coniferous-Broadleaved Mixed Plantations, Forests, 2(13): 235-254.

[2] Li, X., Shabanov, N.V., Chen, L., Zhang, Y., Huang, H.*, 2022. Modeling solar-induced fluorescence of forest with heterogeneous distribution of damaged foliage by extending the stochastic radiative transfer theory. Remote Sensing of Environment. 271, 112892.

[3] 李蓉辉; 陈玲*; 吴明晶; 余小龙; 赵秀海. 2021, 亚热带人工林高分影像GLCM纹理的应用策略研究, 星空官网·中国区集团/注册/登陆✦,学报, 43(1):1-9.

[4] Lin, Q.; Huang, H.*; Chen, L.; Wang J.; Huang K.; Liu Y. 2021, Using the 3D model RAPID to invert the shoot dieback ratio of vertically heterogeneous Yunnan pine forests to detect beetle damage. Remote Sensing of Environment, 260: 112475.

[5] Huang,Y.; Zhao, H.; Ma, G.; Li, J.; Chen, L.*. 2020, Tracking area loss of Chinas Nature Reserves from 2003 to 2015. Global Ecology and Conservation, 24, e1224.

[6] Li, X.; Huang, H.*; Shabanov, N.V.; Chen, L.; Yan, K.; Shi, J. 2020, Extending the stochastic radiative transfer theory to simulate BRF over forests with heterogeneous distribution of damaged foliage inside of tree crowns. Remote Sensing of Environment, 250, 112040.

[7] 黄华国*; 田昕; 陈玲. 2020, 林业定量遥感——框架、模型和应用, 科学出版社.

[8] Zou, J.*; Hou, W.; Chen, L.; Wang, Q.; Zhong, P.; Zuo, Y.; Luo, S.; Leng, P. 2020, Evaluating the impact of sampling schemes on leaf area index measurements from digital hemispherical photography in Larix principis-rupprechtii forest plots. Forest Ecosystems, 7(1), 52-69.

[9] Chen, L.; Yan, G.*; Wang, T.; Ren, H.; Hu, R.; Chen, S.; Zhou, H. 2019, Spatial scale consideration for estimating all-sky surface shortwave radiation with a modified 1D radiative transfer model, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 12(3): 1-15.

[10] 林思美; 黄华国*; 陈玲. 2019, 结合随机森林与K-Means聚类分析评价湿地火烧严重程度. 遥感信息, 34(2):48-54.

[11] Chen, L.*; Mei, G.; Yan, K.; Hao, W.; Yu, X. 2018, Species discrimination of plantations in subtropical China using 4-band VHR imagery and an operational image analysis framework, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 8(11): 2800-2813.

[12] 梅光义; 陈玲; 曹元帅; 孙玉军*; 王明初. 2017, 基于GIS几何计算的杉木树干横断面面积模型构建. 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版), 02: 198-202.

[13] 林起楠; 黄华国*; 陈玲; 陈尔学. 2017, 陡峭山区影像的半经验地形校正. 遥感学报, 05: 776-784.

[14] 陈玲*; 郝文乾; 刘艳春. 2016, 林业遥感类高级课程案例式教学模式的实践与思考. 中国林业教育, 34(4)67~74.

[15] 郝文乾; 陈玲*; 梅光义. 2016, 不同坡向杉木人工林的直径分布研究,西北农林科技大学学报自然科学版, 1161-69.

[16] 林起楠; 黄华国*; 陈玲; 俞琳锋; 黄侃. 2016, 不同病虫害危害程度下云南松针叶光谱模拟及其生化参数敏感性分析. 光谱学与光谱分析, (08): 2538-2545.

[17] Chen, L.*; Yan, G.Ren, H.Wang, T. 2016, A simple fusion algorithm of polar-orbiting and geostationary satellite data for the estimation of surface shortwave fluxes. IEEE International Conference on Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Beijing, China, 2657-2660.

[18] Zou, J.*; Yan, G.; Chen, L. 2015, Estimation of canopy and woody components clumping indices at three mature (Picea crassifolia) forest stands. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 8(4): 1413-1422.

[19] 陈玲*; 郝文乾; 高德亮. 2015, 光学影像纹理信息在林业领域的最新应用进展, 星空官网·中国区集团/注册/登陆✦,学报, 37(3): 1-12.

[20] Chen, L.*; Yan, G.; Wang, T. 2015, Shortwave radiative transfer modeling at large scale for partial cloudy conditions, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Milan, Italy, 1578-1581.

[21] Chen, L.; Yan, G.*; Wang, T.; Ren, H.; Calbó, J.; Zhao, J.; McKenzie, R. 2012, Estimation of surface shortwave radiation components under all sky conditions: Modeling and sensitivity analysis, Remote Sensing of Environment, 123: 457-469. 

[22] Wang, T.; Yan, G.*; Chen, L. 2012, Consistent retrieval methods to estimate land surface shortwave and longwave radiative flux components under clear-sky conditions, Remote Sensing of Environment, 124: 61-71.

[23] Li, A.; Bo, Y.*; Chen, L. 2012, Bayesian maximum entropy data fusion of field-observed leaf area index (LAI) and Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus-derived LAI, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34(1): 227-246.

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