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姓  名:郝珉辉






2014.9—2021.7   星空官网·中国区集团/注册/登陆✦,,           生态学  博士

2019.6—2019.9   魁北克大学蒙特利尔分校, 生态学  访学

2010.9—2014.7   河南农业大学,           林  学  学士




2021.7-至今   星空官网·中国区集团/注册/登陆✦,,林学院森林经理学科  讲师








  1. Hao M, Gadow KV, Alavi SJ, Álvarez-González JG, Baluarte-Vásquez JR, Corral-Rivas J, …, Zhang C. A classification of woody communities based on biological dissimilarity. Applied Vegetation Science. 2021, 24, e12565.
  2. Hao M, Messier C, Gen Y, Zhang C, Zhao X, Gadow KV. Functional traits drive biomass and productivity through multiple mechanisms in a temperate secondary forest. European Journal of Forest Research. 2020, 139, 1-10.
  3. Hao M, Ganeshaiah KN, Zhang C, Zhao X, Gadow KV. Discriminating among forest communities based on taxonomic, phylogenetic and trait distances. Forest Ecology and Management. 2019, 440, 40-47.
  4. Hao M, Corral-Rivas JJ, González-Elizondo MS, Ganeshaiah KN, Nava-Miranda MG, Zhang C, Zhao X, Gadow KV. Assessing biological dissimilarities between five forest communities. Forest Ecosystems. 2019, 6, 30-38.
  5. Hao M, Zhang C, Zhao X, Gadow KV. Functional and phylogenetic diversity determine woody productivity in a temperate forest. Ecology and Evolution. 2018, 8, 2395-2406.
  6. Xu W*, Hao M*, Wang J, Zhang C, Zhao X, Gadow KV. Soil elements influencing community structure in an old-growth forest in northeastern China. Forests. 2016, 7, 159.
  7. Yue Q, Hao M, Li X, Zhang C, Gadow KV, Zhao X. Assessing biotic and abiotic effects on forest productivity in three temperate forests. Ecology and Evolution. 2020, 10, 7887-7900.
  8. 郝珉辉, 李晓宇, 夏梦洁, 何怀江, 张春雨, 赵秀海. 抚育采伐对蛟河次生针阔混交林功能结构和谱系结构的影响. 林业科学. 2018, 54, 1-9.
  9. 郝珉辉, 张忠辉, 赵珊珊, 赵秀海, 叶尔江, 张春雨. 吉林蛟河针阔混交林树木生长与生境的关联性. 生态学报. 2017, 37, 3437-3444.
  10. 郝珉辉, 张忠辉, 赵珊珊, 张春雨, 赵秀海. 吉林蛟河针阔混交林树木生长的空间关联格局. 生态学报. 2017, 37, 1922-1930.
  11. 夏梦洁, 王晓霞, 郝珉辉, 赵秀海, 张春雨. 吉林蛟河针阔混交林功能性状分布格局及其对地形因素的响应. 生态学报. 2021, 41, 00.
  12. 何怀江, 张忠辉, 张春雨, 郝珉辉, 姚杰, 解蛰, 高海涛, 赵秀海. 采伐强度对东北针阔混交林林分生长和物种多样性的短期影响. 林业科学. 2019, 55, 1-12.




1. 郝珉辉等. 一种量化植物群落物种组成差异的方法. (CN201911295006.5; 发明专利; 实审中)

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