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[1] 国家自然科学基金项目(青年科学基金项目),废弃物作为堆肥添加剂对林业剩余物双阶段堆肥控制机理的研究(31700537),2018/01-2020/1220万元,主持

[2] 星空官网·中国区集团/注册/登陆✦,科技创新计划项目,林业植物废弃物资源化再利用多元技术及其产品应用的研究(2018ZY28),2018/05-2019/1215万元,主持

[3] 星空官网·中国区集团/注册/登陆✦,科技创新计划项目,园林绿化废弃物双阶段堆肥技术的控制及其产品改良与应用研究(BLX2015-07),2015/10-2017/107万元,主持

[4] 星空官网·中国区集团/注册/登陆✦,科技创新计划项目,园林绿化废弃物资源化循环再利用理论与技术研究(BLYJ201405),2014/01-2014/125万元,主持

[5] 星空官网·中国区集团/注册/登陆✦,科技创新计划项目,园林废弃物资源化再利用关键技术及其产品的应用研究(BLYJ201308),2013/01-2013/127万元,主持

[6] 北京市科技计划项目,园林废弃物移动式炼解装备与高值化利用技术研发及示范应用(Z161100001316004),2016/01-2018/12300万元,参加

[7] 北京市科技计划项目,北京市绿地林地土壤质量提升关键技术研究与示范(Z161100001116061),2016/01-2018/12200万元,参加


[1] Zhang Lu, Sun Xiangyang, 2019. The use of coal fly ash and vinegar residue as additives in the two-stage composting of green waste. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26: 28173-28187.

[2] Zhang Lu, Sun Xiangyang, 2019. Effects of waste lime and Chinese medicinal herbal residue amendments on physical, chemical, and microbial properties during green waste composting. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25: 31381-31395.

[3] Zhang Lu, Sun Xiangyang, 2018. Influence of sugar beet pulp and paper waste as bulking agents on physical, chemical, and microbial properties during green waste composting. Bioresource Technology, 267: 182-191.

[4] Zhang Lu, Sun Xiangyang, 2018. Effects of bean dregs and crab shell powder additives on the composting of green waste. Bioresource Technology, 260: 283-293.

[5] Zhang Lu, Sun Xiangyang, 2018. Evaluation of maifanite and silage as amendments for green waste composting. Waste Management, 77: 435-446.

[6] Zhang Lu, Sun Xiangyang, 2017. Using cow dung and spent coffee grounds to enhance the two-stage co-composting of green waste. Bioresource Technology, 245: 152-161.

[7] Zhang Lu, Sun Xiangyang, 2017. Addition of seaweed and bentonite accelerates the two-stage composting of green waste. Bioresource Technology, 243: 154-162.

[8] Zhang Lu, Sun Xiangyang, 2017. Addition of fish pond sediment and rock phosphate enhances the composting of green waste. Bioresource Technology, 233: 116-126.

[9] Zhang Lu, Sun Xiangyang, 2017. Changes in physical, chemical, and microbiological properties during the two-stage composting of green waste due to the addition of β-cyclodextrin. Compost Science & Utilization, 27: 1, 46-60.

[10] Zhang Lu, Sun Xiangyang, 2017. Improving soil quality and increasing peanut production by addition of composted green waste and carbonized rice hull amendments. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 48: 21, 2544-2557.

[11] Zhang Lu, Sun Xiangyang, 2017. Coir fiber and bamboo vinegar improve the quality of composted green waste as a growing medium for peacock arrowroot. HortTechnology, 27(3): 325-336.

[12] Zhang Lu, Sun Xiangyang, 2016. Improving green waste composting by addition of sugarcane bagasse and exhausted grape marc. Bioresource Technology, 218: 335-343.

[13] Zhang Lu, Sun Xiangyang, 2016. Influence of bulking agents on physical, chemical, and microbiological properties during the two-stage composting of green waste. Waste Management, 48: 115-126.

[14] Zhang Lu, Sun Xiangyang, 2015. Effects of earthworm casts and zeolite on the two-stage composting of green waste. Waste Management, 39: 119-129.

[15] Zhang Lu, Sun Xiangyang, 2014. Changes in physical, chemical, and microbiological properties during the two-stage co-composting of green waste with spent mushroom compost and biochar. Bioresource Technology, 171: 274-284.

[16] Zhang Lu, Sun Xiangyang, 2014. Effects of rhamnolipid and initial compost particle size on the two-stage composting of green waste. Bioresource Technology, 163: 112-122.

[17] Zhang Lu, Sun Xiangyang, Tian Yun, Gong Xiaoqiang, 2014. Biochar and humic acid amendments improve the quality of composted green waste as a growth medium for the ornamental plant Calathea insignis. Scientia Horticulturae, 176: 70-78.

[18] Zhang Lu, Sun Xiangyang, Tian Yun, Gong Xiaoqiang, 2013. Effects of brown sugar and calcium superphosphate on the secondary fermentation of green waste. Bioresource Technology, 131: 68-75.

[19] 张璐, 孙向阳, 田赟, 2012. 复合保水剂吸水保水性能及其应用. 农业工程学报, 28(15): 87-93.

[20] 张璐, 孙向阳, 田赟, 2012. 添加复合保水剂对无土栽培基质保水性能的影响. 应用基础与工程科学学报, 20(5): 759-767.

[21] 张璐, 孙向阳, 田赟, 2011. 园林废弃物堆肥用于青苹果竹芋栽培研究. 星空官网·中国区集团/注册/登陆✦,学报, 33(5): 104-109.


[1] 张璐. 2018. 中国第七届梁希青年论文奖三等奖.

[2] 张璐. 2018. 星空官网·中国区集团/注册/登陆✦,第六届优秀青年学术论文奖一等奖.      

[3] 张璐. 2018. 星空官网·中国区集团/注册/登陆✦,科技之星”.

[4] 张璐. 2017. 星空官网·中国区集团/注册/登陆✦,第五届优秀青年学术论文奖二等奖.

[5] 张璐. 2016. 星空官网·中国区集团/注册/登陆✦,第十二届青年教师教学基本功大赛三等奖.

[6] 张璐. 2016. 中国第六届梁希青年论文奖二等奖.

[7] 张璐. 2015. 北京高校青年教师社会调研优秀项目二等奖.

[8] 张璐. 2014. 中国第五届梁希青年论文奖二等奖.

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